Tuesday, February 22, 2011

shit laaaa! baju ni selama ni aku cari tak jumpa jumpa!

kebosan teramat gila

I’m feeling rough, I’m feeling raw, I’m in the prime of my life.
Let’s make some music, make some money, find some models for wives.
I’ll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.
This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We’ve got the vision, now let’s have some fun.
Yeah, it’s overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.
Forget about our mothers and our friends
We’re fated to pretend
To pretend
We’re fated to pretend
To pretend
I’ll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I’ll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I’ll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I’ll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.
There’s really nothing, nothing we can do
Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew.
The models will have children, we’ll get a divorce
We’ll find some more models, everything must run it’s course.
We’ll choke on our vomit and that will be the end
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We’re fated to pretend
To pretend
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 hari berjalan berjalan PD haha pakcik mahu berucap banyak banyak terima kasih kepada kawan kawan pakcik yang sudi ajak pakcik bercuti! hahaha tapi dengan pakcik moody,terus happy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

okay! hari ni aku demam dah macam orang gila dah,tidur dengan tak larat bangun nya!  dengan kerja tak pergi! kompem boss mesti tanya aku besok! apa laaa aku nak cakap nnti,nak cakap demam tuh alasan KUNO gila dah tuh! dengan surat MC aku tak ada nya,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

dari A sampai Z

hhaha dah sminggu aku kerja! bapak aaaa dia punya penat kalah raja dewa zaman dulu! fst fst memang segan segan nak kenal staf staf kerja situ! naib baik laaaa dorg PERAMAH gila! hahaha so apa lagi aku join aaaa dengan dorg buat kerja! hahaha tapi kena speking bhai! haha masak aku! fst fst aku start kerja situ! hahaa aku terus je tanya dorg dorg tuh macam mana kerja dekat situ...haha

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Bangun bangun je terus call kawan kawan aku,dah aku dah janji dari ni nak pergi mintak kerja dekat IKANO! dah laaaa dapat kedai TOYSRUS. ahah! kedai mainan pun jadi lah laaa asal kan MENCARI rezeki yang hahal :D balik tuh terus pergi RFM dengan abang ZAMIL.nak tengok game MALAYSIA! ahaha nasib baik menang .fuhh tadi baru balik terus mandi dengan air sejuk dan laju pulak tuh! fuhh feeling gila! haha